The Malfunction of Manufactured Mayhem: A Review of Actus Reus’s “LOW CLAS5”

Deranged Serial Killers Chasing You Through the Woods season officially begins  with Jimmy strategically picking off metalheads one by one. To be fair, he already  claimed the woods as his spot for psychotic breaks. Plus, he didn’t get invited to the  Actus bonfire, so naturally, his chasing everyone down while wielding an ax is sort of  justified. With his lurking in the shadows and the utilizing the unknown obstacles of the  woods, Jimmy channels the energy of a looming, grueling work week waiting to untie  the threads of sanity a short night around a bonfire desperately tries to keep together.  This seems to stray from his usual image as the personification of insane, unbridled rage  (See “Thoughts Revoked”) against the corporate pigs.(See “Cultist”) However, the  newest addition to the lore provides some plot twists akin to the gnarled tree roots shrouded in the night. 

Observing how Jimmy initially burst onto the scene with unapologetic insanity  overpowering societal structures to the ways he also embodies the corporate evils he is  portrayed annihilating (see “THIRD D3GREE”) constructs an interesting character arc  in the new “LOW CLAS5” music video. Ushering in the new Actus Reus era was the  powerhouse track “THIRD D3GREE” in which Jimmy ascended (or descends depending  on how you want to look at it) into the manufactured mascot dead set on pushing sales  instead of boundaries. He becomes a watered down image of “destroy the system” rather  than actually showing how he is the collective’s anger at forcing themselves to work for  someone else’s dreams instead of their own for fear of losing their stability. Even after  all of that, the cycle of “forty hours of wasted time/nobody has enough” continues week  after week as seen in “LOW CLAS5.” Jimmy seemingly returns to his roots, but upon  closer observation, he looms over a supposed-to-be-relaxing night next to a bonfire like  the debilitating stress of needing to work overtime just to make basic ends meet.  

The original structure of a forty hour work week being more than enough to  provide for a person and the needs of their family has completely crumbled as “nothing  will suffice/keep raising the price.” With inflation being one of countless items on a  laundry list of the financial crisis, there seems to be no end in sight for the near future. The mask of success drops to the ground but only after every person was dragged and axed off in the night. While Jimmy seemingly succumbs to the vicious cycle, there is the  final cry of “take it back and set your soul free.” Similar to V’s mask from V for Vendetta,  Jimmy’s mask can be worn by anyone willing to fight for the cause it represents as seen  when it is taken up from the ground by an unknown individual. There will be people  who continue to feed the cycle and those who fight it with a sword in hand. Even if they  lose, the rage remains. Someone else will “want out of this fu*king trap” and continue to  fight as dirty as the ones in power “on the verge of completing their plan.” As long as the  insatiable thirst for change persists, so will Jimmy and every idea he embodies.  

The cliffhanger “LOW CLAS5” leaves the Actus Crew on is keeping some of us  breathless. How is Jimmy’s image about to evolve? Will he accelerate his usual courses  of action? The only certainty we have is he — just like his creators — will never be  pigeonholed or restricted. We will always be met with incredible visual story telling in  an Actus Reus video. “LOW CLAS5” proves that the band will continuously evolve in  their art in the ways they want. Should you be on the hunt for an artistic video complete  with lore, amazing fire spinning glory, and peppered with unique designs that would  make sick tattoos, (the clock with the axes is my personal favorite) check out “LOW  CLAS5” immediately. This video is absolute perfection in the way it builds on Actus  Reus mythology without losing their message and demonstrates the diverse talent they  bring to their community. 

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