Exclusive Interview: Brian Mazzaferri of I Fight Dragons

Jill-Courtney Coate – Who amongst you has the best tour hygiene?

Brian Mazzaferri – Definitely me (Brian).  On the first day of tour I went out and bought air fresheners for every room of the bus, and I tend to be the most distressed as the tour progresses and everyone gets grosser (admittedly myself included)

JC – Worst part of tour?

BM – Historically, it’s been the lack of sleep time, but this tour we’re in a bus so there’s a lot more time to sleep, but of course it’s still in a moving vehicle.  Maybe the difficulty of getting high speed internet as well.

JC – Worst tour food?

BM – Skyline Chili.  For whatever reason my band has a vendetta against Skyline Chili, although I personally don’t really mind it.  We tried it on what had already been a rough day for the band, and I think the emotional experience scarred them.

JC – Worst airport experience?

BM – Thankfully we’ve never had a complete clusterfuck at the airport, we’ve been lucky enough to have all of our flights for gigs go really smooth, including ones where even the slightest delay would have really screwed us, and including times when we’ve traveled with tons of gear as gigantic oversized checked bags.

JC – Best venue?

BM – Ohhhh this is hard.  Here’s a few we absolutely love for various reasons:

Slim’s in San Francisco
Kilby Court in Salt Lake City
Metro in Chicago (home town w00t)
Bluebird in Denver

JC– Favorite song on new album?

BM – Hmmm, mine’s probably “Fighting On” because of what it represents to me and because it has 100 of our fans singing on the outro.

JC – Most embarrassing song you’d cover?

BM – Probably one we’ve already covered, “Never Gonna Give You Up” xP

JC – Tour essentials?

BM – Instant Velveeta.  Beef Jerky.  “The Road” by Tenacious D. Every Fountains of Wayne album. Earplugs.

JC – What’s playing in the band van/ bus?

BM – “Bananas and Blow” and “Piss Up A Rope” by Ween

JC – What new elements can we expect from the new album? Any surprises?

BM – Yes. Well, the first 22 minutes being a song cycle with a giant companion art book graphic novel is definitely a new thing for us 😛


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