Last Warped Tour, Best Warped Tour [Dallas, TX Live Gallery + Show Review]

Review and photos by Brooke Sanders.

I’m sure I’m not the only one to say that my summers have revolved around Vans Warped Tour since I was a young emo pre-teen with winged eyeliner, a hairstyle that any Myspace star would be proud of, and skinny jeans that were two sizes too tight. I went to my first Warped Tour in 2007 when I was twelve years old and I must say that my love for music was forever changed after that.

Walking through the gates this year was bittersweet. I was beyond stoked to finally be back in my element at my favorite festival, but the little thought in my head that this would be my last year attending kept creeping up. So instead of being bummed, I decided to make sure it was the best Warped Tour yet.

We The Kings

I started out at We The Kings who tore up the Journey’s Right Foot Stage then I ran all the way across Dos Equis Pavilion parking lot to catch Issues do what they do best and take over the crowd even when a random thunder storm moved in during the middle of their set. I swear Sky Acord is a bass guitar god and is absolutely mesmerizing on stage.


Next I got to catch Dayseeker’s set at the Monster White Lightning Stage. If you have not listened to this band, I’m serious when I say do it now! This California based post-hardcore band is on the rise and nothing is stopping them. Although it continued to rain on and off, everyone refused to quit and went harder than ever. I was able to make it to the tail end of Assuming We Survive’s set (which was insane of course), then ran over to watch Tonight Alive and I speak for everyone when I say that Jenna McDougall is a freaking rockstar goddess. My feet were killing me but there was no way I was going to miss Waterparks so I wobbled back across the parking lot just in time to see Awsten Knight flaunt his diva self perfectly like always.


My favorite band of the day had to be Don Broco. This UK band is going to be the next Fall Out Boy. I saw them about five years ago in England and have been waiting (somewhat) patiently for them to make their way to the states and it was 100% worth it. This band doesn’t just get everybody moving, but guitarist Si Delaney and vocalist Rob Damiani even got in the crowd and started their own circle pit. Fans were quick to pick the musicians up and carry them on their shoulders while they ran in circles and screamed along to the songs. Y’all, it was absolutely insane (see in photo gallery). If you have not listened to their new album “Technology,” then you should drop what you’re doing and download it right now. Your ears will be blessed with sixteen songs of pure genius.

Don Broco5

As the day came to an end, I tried to catch as many sets as I could from bands such as: Movements, Simple Plan, and State Champs. It was surreal standing in the barricade during State Champs knowing that it would be my final set I would see on this tour. Vans Warped Tour has changed so many lives, including my own. If it wasn’t for this tour, I would have never found my love for concert photography nor had the chance to grow as an artist. I think I speak for everyone when I say that I will forever be grateful for Kevin Lyman for not only creating Vans Warped Tour, but for making it safe haven for artists and fans to come together as one.

Waterparks2 Tonight Alive The Maine State Champs Simple Plan Dayseeker2 Dayseeker Don Broco4 Don Broco3 Don Broco

Get your tickets for the remaining dates of Vans Warped Tour HERE!

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