LEGION OF ANDROMEDA: Crucial Blast Issues Iron Scorn CD By Japanese Death/Doom Duo Next Week

As Crucial Blast prepares to release the CD version of the Iron Scorn debut by Tokyo-based industrialized death/doom duo, LEGION OF ANDROMEDA, the label has issued an official video track stream of the intense album-opening movement, “Transuranic Ejaculation.”

Diabolical in its minimalist approach, unleashing a grinding nightmare of violent, industrial doom/death rooted in a barbaric simplicity, moving in endlessly cyclical percussive patterns, LEGION OF ANDROMEDA‘s Iron Scorn wormed its way deep into the Crucial Blast depot upon first hearing it. The band has hacked out a uniquely vicious sound, and shares as much disgusting DNA with the grinding industrial metal of bands like Dead World, Skin Chamber and Streetcleaner-era Godflesh as it does with the putrescent doom/death of Autopsy, Cianide and Asphyx, brilliantly fusing the devastating down-tuned chug of the latter to the repetitive, belt-driven clangor of the former, each monstrous track churning through the black cosmos like a mechanical warbeast comprised of gnashing teeth and interlocking gears, terrifying and trance-inducing, with equal nods to the heaviest strains of industrial metal and the most primitive depths of black/death violence.

Following its vinyl release on vinyl in North America by Unholy Anarchy and At War With False Noise in Europe, Crucial Blast will now reissue Iron Scorn on a four-panel gatefold jacket digipak CD with a printed inner sleeve next Friday, September, 11th, to further the blast radius of this immense debut album.

Endure the official video track for LEGION OF ANDROMEDA’s “Transuranic Ejaculation” RIGHT HERE and stream the entire Iron Scorn album HERE.

Preorder the CD version of Iron Scorn via Crucial Blast direct at THIS LOCATION and place digital orders for the record HERE.

LEGION OF ANDROMEDA‘s debut has pillaged the population with incredible reactions from fans and media sources alike. Sputnik Music offered a champion 5/5 rating of Iron Scorn, the review’s thunderous praise opening with, “You will be scorned by iron. Marks will not fade. This is primitive yet experimental death metal at its best.” It continues, “You will bow or roll your eyes and discharge your intestines in disgust. There is nothing similar in extreme music and this album is a triumph over trends, it’s as accessible as harsh noise yet undoubtedly unforgettable.” Invisible Oranges notes how the band members, “focus entirely on knuckle dragging brutality as a means of inflicting a great amount of pain upon you, the listener,” furthering, “Iron Scorn refuses to let up, slowly pounding its fists with a machine’s precision into the steadily cracking earth. It will swallow you. Commit.” The Sleeping Shaman warns, “The way you should listen to this album is the way the Chinese used to do the thousand cuts: take a sizable amount of narcotics, forget time, and let the album slowly slice and dice your mind till your consciousness is as skinned as the lady at the end of the French movie Martyrs… This is the modern-day equivalent of 1984-era Swans.” The Sludgelord proclaims, “Iron Scorn is going to be considered one of 2015’s heaviest, disturbing, and depressing albums… LEGION OF ANDROMEDA are the new harbingers of death and they are here to collect a few souls along the way. I need a rest after listening to this. Only listen to this if you are feeling brave enough.”

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