REVIEW: Chinatown Security “This Side of Paradise” EP

The name left me wondering what I was getting myself into! Chicago rockers Chinatown Security just dropped their new EP “This Side of Paradise” yesterday (article/stream here) and I had the chance to review it.

chinatownsecurity-coverSelf-described as “Blues Rock/ Desert Rock/ Neo-Psychadelia” this band meshes a blend of genres in a wonderful mix – definite influences of Black Rebel Motorcycle Club & The Ravonettes, with a sprinkle of pop indie-rock along the Arctic Monkeys vein. I also found a strong hint 70’s brit punk influences (The Descendents came to mind) with each song being different yet working together as an overall sound, creating a original indie-rock mix that I found myself really excited to listen in full to…

This Side of Paradise – This song began with a strong driving drums and bass line… a definite muddy and slightly dark-sound, throwback to 70’s punk in some ways. Vocals were layered on in flat, driving force that worked with the song. I really enjoyed the surprising mix of electronic notes in the middle of the song, and found the guitar solo section of distortion and ambient effects really added to the song.

Mercy – After a catchy, trailing guitar intro, the bass was layered on and came across a bit heavy with a repetitious line. The vocals were a bit over-buried in the mix and found myself getting bored, waiting for a change in tempo or key, that never came. This was my least favorite song on the album, as it really had no shining moment or focus.

Come And Get It Now – Woke me right back up, with a moving bass line and strong indie-rock groove! Enough repetition to grab you in, the song features a great break for some guitar action and really shows off the band’s overall song-writing chops. If I had to pick one song off the EP to share with a new listener, it might be this one.

Dig! The Radio – A nice start, with each section layering in smoothly, I really enjoyed this song as it let each instrument stand out. Vocals were a bit buried with a slightly muddled distortion, again working perfectly in context of the song.

I’ve Got A Thing for Pleasure – Definitely brings up the 70’s Brit punk tones, this song lets the vocals stand up front and center! Complete with a sneer, this song can be described as a plain good punk song.

Overall – If you’re looking for a new indie-rock mix, check this out! These guys have a unique sound; while many of their influences are clear, they’ve blended an original sound and have strong chops. I look forward seeing how their sound develops and this EP will definitely be in my regular mix!

Make sure you check out the full EP info & stream here!

Formed in the early part of 2012, Chicago rockers Chinatown Security have set about pursuing their musical vision from a young age. Honing an original and intriguing blend of blues-infused indie, Chinatown Security have drawn comparison to the likes of Black Rebel Motorcycle Club and The Raconteurs. The recording of debut LP, the self-titled Chinatown Security saw the addition of second guitarist to the mix and with it came a noted intensity and a musical depth not previously evident.

The sound continues to defy genre; a punk influence executed with a retro 70’s take on indie and blues, the one thing that is for sure is that Chinatown Security’s unmistakeably original sound is making its impact on the Illinois scene. With an increase in local recognition off the back of their debut record, the band regularly grace the stages of The House of Blues and The Bottom Lounge in Chicago and continue to spread their reputation and music parameters.

Official Website

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1 Response

  1. January 22, 2015

    […] You can stream the EP in full or download at a price of your choice via Bandcamp. We also just reviewed the EP here, let us know if you agree on our […]

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