Living outside of Providence, RI I had the pleasure of attending a unique, collaborative event last week which celebrated our tiny state and growing music scene. The event, “Rock Island Rocks” focused around four newly-created “jam” bands which had been brought together a month earlier. They premiered their new music to a great crowd alongside support from local favorites including The Skinny Millionaires, Chronovore and guttersluts!
Run by MusicTown, musicians were brought together into the groups via their website profiles. MusicTown is a social media site specifically for musicians – acting as a matchmaker to help unite musicians and bands – for jam sessions, hired gigs and new members – there’s really nothing quite like it ( For those that signed up for the event, MusicTown used their profiles to match them into four groups. From the initial Jamathon session, four bands were born – Rock and Rolldisland, We Were Strangers, The Late Comers to Social Services and Demguys.
Each band has its own independent sound, with musicians from across the scene. It was really interesting literally seeing the mesh of sounds and styles – from rock to blues, to metal to funk. A modge-podge melting pot, each band had clearly developed its own voice in less than a month’s time. And more importantly – they had bonded, as people and artists, doing what they loved best: music.
- We Were Strangers
- Musictown “Jamathon / RI Rocks”
- RI Rocks
- RI Rocks
As a theme and incentive, each band was asked to write at least one song focused about Rhode Island. During their live debut, show goers were able to vote for their favorite (with the winning band earning cash and studio time) and the entire set was recorded live. This brought together the local community, as companies such as local Hope Media, CircleJam Productions and Castle Studios among others sponsored the event. Rock and Rolldisland came out as the crowd favorite!
Being such a thoroughly entertaining and unique show, I couldn’t resist reaching out to Nathan at MusicTown to learn more about their work and inspiration for the event…
SBN: How did you develop the idea of Jamathon/RI Rocks?
We created Jamathon so there could be a time and place people who were connecting on the MusicTown website and wanted to make music could meet, jam, write original songs and perform in person. We’ve been to a couple hackathons and thought it would be a lot of fun and beneficial for musicians. And it is!
SBN: Tell us about how MusicTown started – and where do you see MusicTown developing as it grows?
MusicTown started out of necessity from a group of people with the same need – looking for a good fit for people to play with. We all got along as friends but were passionate about different music. People we found who played the same music as us were either unavailable or not a good fit for other reasons (schedules, personalities, etc.) and we got tired of guessing with craigslist or other online options. We started asking around for what other musicians too wanted and built a solution!
SBN: What are the best areas for current MusicTown users (i.e. Boston, NYC..) and where would you like to see more new users join from?
We’re doing our best to keep MusicTown growing organically (not spread across the country or globe) so it’s a real community of local musicians connecting. Right now Providence to Boston is the area with the most MusicTown members. There’s a growing number of musicians around Newport/South County, North Shore, and into Portsmouth NH we’d like to see continue come out. And of course NYC. [Editors note: and readers all over are welcome to check it out —]
SBN: As we have overwhelming access to social media sites and connecting with one another, what makes MusicTown stand out and why should musicians consider joining?
Anyone who wants to connect, collaborate or create with the music-making community should join MusicTown. It’s not just another social media network, it’s a service and community. The service is online custom matchmaking (like a legit dating site) connecting you with the people to make your music happen. The community is fueled by all the events hosted for people to come make a human connection with people they’ve found a match with online. Then the background work has already happened and you can spend more time listening to each other’s songs and taking the stage together
- Chronovore
- The Skinny Millionares
- The Skinny Millionaires
I also had the chance to follow up with some of the musicians that participated in Jamathon / RI Rocks, as members of the jam bands. While I asked each the same questions, it was really neat to see their responses of how such an event impacted them as musicians!
Dave – Guitarist of Demguys
SBN: You were sorted into groups based on your MusicTown profile – what were some of the challenges that you faced?
There are always challenges matching people musically. Everyone has different tastes and ideas. Our first drummer joined a different band after jamming with the drummer and I for a while. So we had to find another drummer. Fortunately we were able to get one, two days before we were to play live! That was cutting it close, but we were able to learn and rehearse two songs within a total practice time of three hours! Luckily we played very well together during the live event.
SBN: Do you think Demguys they will stay together, or did you find partners for new music ventures?
Hopefully the bassist and I will continue to work together. The drummer may or may not stick around. I plan to go to a professional recording studio and record the song I wrote for the event. That song including some other songs I have written will eventually make it on to an album(s) that I hope to release as soon as possible. If anyone would care to listen to my music, go to
SBN: You met at Jamathon and had a month to develop new songs for the show – including a RI theme based one. These were the recorded live at RI Rocks – how stressful was it to not only write and learn new music, but play with an entirely new group within a month’s time?
I did not find it stressful at all. I do not really get too worked up about too many things. Either it works or it doesn’t. I had one song written already on guitar, so all we had to do was add drums and bass to it. That song came out really cool. Our bassist came up with a riff for our second song. That song was cool because everyone had a time to solo.
Gary Hopp – of Rock and Rolldisland (winning jam band)
There are the kinds of creative, all inclusive and progressive events that create community and fresh new music…This was my first one and I did not know what to expect..and I am so happy I joined in. I have made so many new contacts and had (and am having) a great time making music with my new friends. I also met many other musicians there whom I believe I will create some music with sooner or later…
SBN: You were sorted into groups based on your MusicTown profile – what were some of the challenges that you faced?
Like most times the challenge was holding my space and being authentic…not trying to be something more or less than I am. I believe we all try to be liked and get along with everyone and maybe we do not say what we are thinking or feeling… so as to “not rock the boat” or maybe think our idea is not the right one or smart, etc.. Also this happens the opposite when you think your idea is always right and are unwilling to bend or compromise. It’s funny I am very comfortable expressing my opinion and with passion… but I had a conversation with myself on the way to the event and had to kinda straighten my ship because I was unfamiliar with what was going on…but I took a deep breath and continued the ongoing journey of being authentic while being grateful and humble. After that was settled internally…when I got there I was nothing but happy and impressed with the diversity… and what I added to it.
SBN: How did Jamathon help you develop as an independent musician?
Anytime we stretch our comfort zone or just take part in another happening…we grow in every way…I saw so many people interacting and genuinely enjoying each others company and expressing their feelings that I felt that surge of happiness of just being part of that circle…that day…I cannot say enough about community…this event created a community and influenced an ever larger community (the next ripples in the pond) because of what we experienced …I became more of and a better version of who I am by participating …giving and receiving…and expressing who I am…We were a great gathering of people that day who became a WE…and that is always only as good as each individual I….
SBN: Do you think Rock and Rolldisland they will stay together, or did you find partners for new music ventures?
We will continue with this beautiful adventure as a side project in our already busy schedules…having said that we are pumped up with happiness over the two songs we created and we have opportunities to play them in public. As the success of that grows and we respond with donating more time. I believe we will create many more songs together, we will ride the wave of our genuine interest in making music together along with any enthusiastic acceptance for what we produce.
Conclusion: This was a really awesome event and I encourage our readers to always check out their local events & happenings (in addition to all the rich & famous that we cover).
10.18.14 – Rhode Island Rocks Show Lineup
The Skinny Millionaires
Jamathon RI Bands – Debut With Live Recording
* Rock and Rolldisland
* We Were Strangers
* The Late Comers to Social Services
* Demguys
Straw Man Standing
Cluster Flux
Link to event Facebook page (has detailed information on all participants, sponsors, etc.)