UNSACRED: Noisey Streams Entire Debut LP From Virginia Black Metal Trio

VICE’s music channel, Noisey, is now playing all of False Light, the dehumanizing debut full-length release from Virginia-based black metal trio, UNSACRED, which is out today on home state-based Forcefield Records.


UNSACRED pumps their organic black metal full of punk-inspired rhythms and crust blasts, birthing an output fit for consumption by both devotees to the Scandinavian black metal sound and also to advocates of the more contemporary, black metal-crossover acts wreaking havoc throughout the underground. Formed in 2012, UNSACRED has already issued three well-received independent EPs preceding their debut LP, False Light. Recorded by Ricky Olson who joined Bryan Walthall Olson in mixing duties, and mastered by Brad Boatright at Audiosiege, False Light delivers a punishing slab of seven tracks of bludgeoning black metal infused with spine-shattering low-end death metal infiltrations and driving punk-inspired beats. Merging classic elements with its contemporary delivery, it’s more than a safe bet to state that False Light will incite the inner heathen in devotees of the works of Craft, Horna, Arkhon Infaustus, The Secret and Mutilation Rites


In merriment of this profane release’s public delivery, Noisey is streaming the False Light album in its entirety, noting, “This is sharp, imposing black metal with crusty punk edges, as indebted to the Scandinavian masters as it is to its USBM peers Ash Borer and Barghest, and especially on tracks like ‘Erode’ and ‘Sun,’ you just know that the fingers behind that furious tremolo have sewed on a Skitsystem patch or two.”

UNSACRED’s False Light via Noisey!

False Light is now available digitally via BandCamp HERE and iTunes HERE, and preorders for the LP, which has been marginally delayed, are available including package deals HERE. The vinyl should be shipping by December 30th.


No Clean Singing weathered False Light and came back with an impressive review, including, “This Virginia band explodes from the start with an impressive burst of feral black metal. The vocals are as hateful a rasp as anything you could ask for from the States. The vocals sit up front in the mix rather than the more typical buried placement. There is a constrained chaos to the attack, making the triumphant gallops stand out… this album is an accomplished blending of punk anger with black metal’s venom.” Mead Mead Metal’s raging review of the album advises, “Their sound is raw and vicious, with their mission being igniting the coals, pouring an unnecessary amount of lighter fluid on it, and daring any moron with no sense to get near it. There’s some crust and doom in their sound as well, but for the most part, it’s straight-ahead, rip-through-your-body violence that flat out demolishes.” The crew at Cvlt Nation champions the album: “When you hit the play button on UNSACRED‘s False Light, it’s moshpit time! This album doesn’t stop and go without dynamics, though. They write carefully controlled songs that set up the best moments – the mid-tempo grooves that leave you headbangin’ like a lunatic before knockin’ your balls out of the park with the blast-sections.”


Having shared the stage regionally with Integrity, Toxic Holocaust, Gaza, Full Of Hell, Code Orange Kids, Ash Borer, Obliteration, Kylesa and countless more, UNSACRED will announce more extensive tour plans in support of False Light in the weeks ahead.

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