AEVANGELIST: 20 Buck Spin To Release Enthrall To The Void Of Bliss LP By Cataclysmic Black/Death Act

20 Buck Spin welcomes the writhing black/death torment of American act, AEVANGELIST, to the label’s register, and announces plans of issuing the band’s incoming fourth full-length, Enthrall To The Void Of Bliss.
The fourth gate of the AEVANGELIST has opened within the physical dimension; witness cataclysmic black/death metal force in which slithering arcane horrors conjoined with bizarre mysticism spawn a suffocating cacophonous sprawl. Having unleashed previous (and future) documentation via the French Debemur Morti label, Enthrall To The Void Of Bliss represents the initial Aevangelist transmutation for 20 Buck Spin, the American based band’s first scripture to be fully released domestically in the United States.
Cycling through recent years, AEVANGELIST has mercilessly assaulted listeners via auditory deformation and twisting sepulchral composition, its members having also performed within the ranks of legendary dark metal weirdos Bethlehem and others. 2013’s Omen Ex Simulacra brutalized with punishingly dense yet accessible riffs in the Murk — the album earning critical acclaim including a place in Decibel’s Magazine’s Top 40 of 2013 — and this specter looms large on Enthrall To The Void Of Bliss, whilst layer upon layer of ghoulish keys and madness-stricken vocals act as flesh bricks to shape a hellish tower of the damned. Smeared with a warm, wet production, the inherent chaos ofEnthrall… becomes omnipresent.
The curtain has been pulled back to reveal the grotesquery summoned by the AEVANGELIST synod and once stirred cannot easily be shut again. 20 Buck Spin is pleased to bequeath this vulgar contortion of occult rancor upon the human race. Virulently presented on multiple formats, with artwork crafted by Stephen Wilson/Unknown Relic (Sutekh Hexen, Godmaker, Demonic Possessor),Enthrall To The Void Of Bliss will see initial CD and digital release in North America on October 9th and in Europe on the 23rd, with the vinyl edition to see release by early December. The album is one of dire importance for devotees to the tormented ways of Portal, Xasthur, Gnaw Their Tongues, Witchrist, Wolvserpent, Bethlehem, Thorns and the like to stay informed about.
The track listing and cover artwork for Enthrall To The Void Of Bliss have been released. Stand by for audio and further intel on the album to surface in the days forthcoming.
AEVANGELIST has already slated multiple live performances for the upcoming months, including sets at Hell’s Headbash in Cleveland alongside Archgoat, Black Witchery, Inquisition, Deathhammer and tons more in September, and California Deathfest in Oakland with Autopsy, Impaled, Dead Infection, Disma, Ghoul, Morbosidad and others in November, with more shows to be announced.
10/10/2015 Oakland Metro – Oakland, CA @ California Deathfest
Enthrall To The Void Of Bliss Track Listing:
1. Arcanæ Manifestia
2. Cloister Of The Temple Of Death
3. Gatekeeper’s Scroll
4. Alchemy
5. Levitating Stones
6. Emanation
7. Meditation Of Transcendental Evil


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