Let me get this right off the bat, this is long long delayed and should have been out ages ago for all you fine folks to read but life suddenly got in the way and countries were moved and condo’s purchased and bank accounts being depleted but all that aside here I am, sitting back in my home country with a giant cup of Tim Hortons coffee beside me hiding from the snow and finally having the time to get this together.

Originally I planned on turning this into a video review so you could all see the face behind the words but alas here you are reading instead of watching this ugly mug on a computer screen near you.

sugar bomb

So, let’s get down to brass tax. If you haven’t already gone out and got this album maybe these words can persuade you to do such that. Manic Pixi, formally known by another name have went and released their debut album entitled ‘Sugar Bomb’ about 2 months ago exactly. Now I know what you’re thinking, 2 months and the review is just hitting now. Well whatever, get over it.

Manic Pixi, formed of Kat Hamilton, Emmett Ceglia, Marshall Beiver, and Drew Bastian is a grungy pop punkish type of band. There is probably a few other adjectives I could throw in there but I think you can get the picture with that. Hailing from Brooklyn the band used to play under another name (Sugar Bomb) which is now the name of the album as to not be confused. Kat who takes the reigns of vocalist is best described if you took Courtney Love, Brody Dalle, Amanda Palmer and throw in a hint Katy Perry mixed it all up then you’d have Kat. She has one of the most powerful voices i’ve heard for a female in a while but also can come across insanely sweet sounding, throw in the hard hitting music backing her and you have something really different that can stand on it’s own legs.

Let’s get on with the album shall we? I think it’s a good time to and if you want to learn more about the band there’s always social media which i’ll give you all at the bottom of this.

Sugar Bomb consists of 11 songs 2 of which have come out as singles ‘Hangover’ and ‘Kiss Me’ but there is WAY more to this than just the singles. Everything kicks off with ‘Sweet Tooth’ and honestly there wouldn’t be a better place to start, within the first few seconds you get a good idea of what you’re in for which the best way to describe it would be punk rock with fabulousness. It’s over the top and full of back handed lyrics but thats what really makes this band. They know how to have fun and because of that it comes across in their music, not in the goofy way some bands are but in a way where you wish you were there with them while they recorded it, or you wish they were playing a house party that you’re throwing.

Sugar Bomb! Press Image copy

Now i’ve not been able to see them live as of yet but you can tell just by the songs alone they’d be a hell of a band to see live, one of those shows where you leave in a rad mood and not leaving you walking out thinking ‘was that it?’ You’re going to be fulfilled no matter what and the minute they come slightly closer to Toronto, or hell I live beside an airport with direct flights to New York i’ll definitely be present.

Usually when I review an album i’ll try to go track by track and give you an idea of it but honestly with something like this its best to pick pieces here and there and then if you’re heads are screwed on correctly you’ll pick up the album, support the band and go through it yourselves. Being that it’s taken me so long to get around to this review i’ve had plenty of time to listen to it, over and over and over again and you can’t get bored with it. Even when they slow things down on a few of the tracks like ‘I’m Still Fighting’ you’re there with em, and the other ballad they got, ‘Blue Wine’ let me tell you something about ‘Blue Wine,’ this song is fucking beautiful (pardon my tongue there) it’s truly unlike anything else they have on the debut and the pipes Kat shows on this song are immense. If I were to sit and pick favourites here i’d find it difficult but according to iTunes the ones with my highest play count are; ‘Blue Wine’, ‘Suddenly Stuck’, and ‘Meteor Shower’ so take that as you’d like.

At this point i’m starting to ramble and pressed to find more words to say about it, but honestly buy it. Support this band and if you’re luckier than me to live in New York next time they’re playing get out of your loft, flat, or apartment and go have a rad time.

Scope their music video for single ‘Kiss Me’ Below:

Connect with Manic Pixi:





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