Exclusive Wayward Daughter write-up

When I moved to the U.K almost two years ago one of the main things on my mind was the music scene of this country, which is almost unlike any other scene in the world. There something about this place and the sheer talent that gets brought out of it that you’d almost stop and think how is it that so many talented musicians fit on one tiny island and why is it that you can trace any decade of music and the top bands are usually from here, whether or not the genre originated in the country, at some point someone will perfect it and change the entire game.

Being able to walk down the street and through the lanes on just about any night you’ll hear something coming from one of the MANY pubs and then right across the road something completely different. There is so much variety being churned out here that you’d be completely insane to only fit into one genre or be so close minded to not give anything a shot.

Now I don’t reside in London though a part of me always wanted too, I find the hustle and bustle a little too much and that’s coming from a city boy. No, I live in a semi quieter seaside city called Brighton and for some reason it seems a lot of those aspiring musicians originate from here, bands like The Kooks, The Maccabees, probably a few other “the” bands and hell even Fatboy Slim is from here.

Big names aside there is also some lesser knowns bursting at the seams and verging on the border of super stardom and before I take off from this country I’m going to try and bring a few of them to your attention, the ones that really deserve it that is. So for this first installment of this whatever you’d like to call it I give you;

Wayward Daughter

This small little two piece began writing back in 2012. When asked the origin of the band, they commented;

“We became friends at a mutual friends birthday party about 3/4 years ago and started chatting about music straight away! Before we knew it we were going round each other’s houses and jamming and from then on we started writing songs, posting music online and gigging. It was amazing to become friends first and then start doing the music thing.”

Now with one of the two of them already on YouTube, (cause you know all the great talent comes YouTube, yeah sorry about Justin Bieber, Sincerely all of Canada) they begin posting videos of the two of them online, as you do. Trying to get their music out there, a following was beginning to arise beneath them;

“We never thought that those videos of us sitting crossed legs on our bedroom floors would ever get many views! Once we started focusing more YouTube it appeared that people actually started to request us to do more covers and it was great. With us both being at school at the time it was hard to be gigging so it was amazing to use the internet as a tool to communicate with people online. It’s incredible to see so many people getting in touch from all over the world, it just sucks so many people are so far away!”

With about 72,000 subscribers and videos hitting hundreds of thousands of views the small little two piece began to really get their name out there.

Videos spanning the likes of Coldplay covers to Paramore covers the band also threw in their own bit of flair to the lanyard of Tchotchke’s (A+ if you get that reference) and the thing about their own originals was they’re were actually bloody brilliant. A bit of everything seemed to come across in those songs, some songs were very bluesy and some were rather popish. You couldn’t fault them for it either because together on a screen in front of you, you’re drawn into them. Digging deeper into their own writing process

“Usually we write parts separately then come together with the things that we’ve written. Lyrics come from Lydia who’ll describe the overall mood of the song and will improvise melodies over a riff or chord progression from Becky (Little bit of shinfo for you,Becky is actually responding to these questions speaking the third person). Sometimes we’ll hear another artist’s song that we love which then directly inspires us and makes us want to write a song like it.”

So slight bit methodical and a bit of punk rock writing thrown in there it comes out with an amazing end game. When trying to get an EP out the two of them got together and started up a PledgeMusic (Kind of like kickstarter) page and were able to raise enough to get it all moving and release their EP entitled; How Long Will You Wander which was a rad little 5 piece number that really gave you a good idea of all this things these two can accomplish. Moving on into the future the band has gig’d all over the UK for the most part and with the steady stream of a following growing behind them you can be sure that is just going to propel them that much further into the world.


When asked about what we can expect in the future from them;

“We’re putting all our efforts into a new EP with three brand new tracks (plus more) which we’re especially excited about. The release will be end of Summer/Autumn 2014. Watch this space. We can’t wait for everyone to hear it.”

and when it comes to finally dropping you can be sure to keep an eye out for these two touring it around the area and who knows where else it’ll end up. So keep an eye our for these two, and keep up to date with what’s going on and when this new EP is coming out from a plethora of different places

Connect with Wayward Daughter





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