Track by Track of Zeke Duhon’s S/T E.P. by Mary Meadows Rhoden

Got 23(ish) extra minutes? Yes? It's true, the possibilities of how you could spend that time are endless but if you're into music and like finding new artists to shake things up a little then Zeke Duhon's new material is a great way to spend it. Producer Charlie Peacock ( Civil Wars, The Lone Bellow) heard his demo and wanted to work with him in the studio immediately. These efforts gave birth to six tracks, each different, yet consistently good. Don't let Duhon's youth mislead your expectations. He's an old soul when it comes to content, writing lyrics with depth, and delivering a sound in his own unique style. Think alternative folk meets indie pop but in a way that's pleasing and not limited to those genres. Duhon isn't brand new to the music scene. He's been around long enough to evolve despite his under twenty status. I was sent a preview link and listened to all six tracks of the upcoming self titled EP.

#1. Gravity: This song is amazing and could easily be at home high up on the charts. If it doesn't get major play it will be surprising. It kind of comes at the listener from a lot of different angles that all lead to a good place. You can listen to this track on Zeke's official website.

#2. Faith and Hope: Released as a single. This song has so much soul you can feel it infect your bones.

#3. Always is Now: This song is a little slower than the previous two. Duhon's voice is like silk with just enough roughness to make it perfect. The sound gives me a little Ed Sheeran at his best type vibe, but in the end, it's all Zeke.

#4. Everything : Another great song. Very contemporary. Pretty. Makes you want to drive a scenic highway with the windows down and the volume cranked up to the max. Would be a good film placement.

#5. Hold Fast: Probably my least favorite of the six but that's not to say it isn't good.

#6. Best Mistake: This song is beautiful and haunting. "The first thing you oughta know about me is I'm a walking catastrophe." Going on the record with this track as my favorite. The vocal highs and lows pull you in deep and leave you lost somewhere that you don't mind staying. In summary, spend 23(ish) minutes with the new songs when they are available. You're going to want more and that's ok. This is only the beginning.

Find out more about Zeke and stay up to date with everything relevant at:


Article Credit: Mary Meadows Rhoden

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